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We’ve all watched wildfires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and brutal heat devastate communities. Many people in at-risk communities remain unprepared.


More than 70% of those impacted by these events are not prepared or are underinsured.The results can be catastrophic, resulting in displacement, loss of property and even life. Recovery is difficult, costly, time-consuming and demoralizing.


The key findings of the FEMA National Preparedness Surveys of 2022 and 2023 are eye opening:

â–ª For higher risk areas, only 1/2 perceived their risk of being impacted.

â–ª Of those at risk of wildfire, 60% indicated they were not prepared.

â–ª Many acknowledge the risk but have not been exposed to what to do about it.

â–ª Cost barriers prevent many from taking important preparedness actions

The EmGoKit addresses many of these concerns

Useful Resources & Information


Websites Providing Useful Guides and Resources

We've found several useful sites that provide guides, informations and resources to assist your family in preparing for emergencies and natural disasters. Here are a few useful links:
is the FEMA emergency preparedness site and contains valuable information on how to prepare for all types of hazards, disasters and emergencies.

has several documents covering how to prepare for emergencies.

CSU 2024 Forecast for Hurricane Activity

CSU researchers predicting well above-average 2024 Atlantic hurricane season.

National Institutes of Health Disaster Preparedness Tips

This site provides useful tips for preparing for, during and after a disaster.


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