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Organize once, be prepared for life with an EmGoKit!

You may never need to grab and go, but you'll be prepared for any emergency or life event. As you prepare your kit, you’ll follow an organized process and overcome the inertia of inaction. Once you’ve prepared your plan, collected key documents and supplies, and organized your kit, you’ll not only be prepared but you’ll have Peace of Mind knowing you’re prepared. 

Be Prepared, Be Quick, Be Safe

Your EmGoKit Includes

▪ A sturdy, expandable folder with 24 labelled tabs for storing critical family documents

▪ FEMA and Red Cross Resources and Guides with detailed instructions for how to prepare for an emergency or natural disaster.

Organized sections for all critical documents:

▪ Family Info, IDs,Key Contacts and Family Emergency Plan 

▪ Home and Property Records

▪ Financial Records

▪ Insurance Policies

▪ Legal and Estate Plans

▪ Health and Medical Records

▪ A comprehensive Emergency Supplies Checklist of supplies you might need.

Instructions and a USB drive for offsite, digital and cloud storage for key documents and family photos.

The EmGoKit is Easy-to-Use

The EmGoKit, a simple, low cost, and easy-to-use tool designed to help families prepare for emergencies and natural disasters.

Other Available Products...

Extra USB Drive

You may want to have an extra USB with your kit info on it, to give to a relative or your attorney, or to put in your bank safe deposit box..

Benefits of the EmGoKit 

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